O BRoba está de volta!
Salve BRobers!!!
Depois de exatamente 10 anos estou de volta ao comando do maior e mais
amado portal de design automotivo do Brasil!! É isso mesmo, o BR...
Review Honda Vario dan HargaHonda secara resmi memperkenalkan Honda Vario 150 cc dipasaran Indonesia
pada tanggal 14 Januari 2015. Dimana acara perkenalan motor matic terbaru
Honda in...
Faxless payday loansPayday loans are a fast and reliable way to get the cash advance before the
next pay day. When there is a requirement for emergency cash and cannot
wait un...
Mascarello Roma 310
Here´s the selected front design proposal sketch for the mid-size bus
Mascarello Roma 310. You can check out the production vehicle below.
I´m waiting fo...
farewellSorry guys my lack of postings. I know I don`t post here since a long time.
New life, new job, new country and, very soon....new blog! I`m preparing
Hi everyone!
I'm just replacing the BLOGGER by the TUMBLR.
Not much of what you see here is going to change...
Follow me if you'd like on http://maurici...